“Me time” – Spa in Quarantine

The “Me time” was planned from the beginning on! I packed everything what I need (and a bit more, I think!)! Yes, another reason for my heavy luggage!

Let’s go through it:

Mani(cure) and pedi(cure)

I managed to put some nail polish on my nails already in Frankfurt – to match the hotel deco?

Of course, the normal nail polish does not hold very long on my nails, so after few days in quarantine I already needed to put it off.

But now, just before leaving the hotel, I am doing the more permanent option – should hold the full rest of the stay in Shanghai! I decided for blue :). I hope I do not break any tomorrow while packing the suitcases!

Facial retreat

I also had some facial masks with me – I typically NEVER do this at home, so it was a treat and experiment at the same time. All of them were some type of hydrating type of mask… to be honest: I did not really noticed, what was the benefit. Maybe I need to buy the expensive ones next time :-). Or (maybe a better option?): doing it on the regular basis!

Blackheads – who needs them!

Another thing I needed to try (not loosing more words on it – pictures say it all!):

But on the nose itself…. I do not really see much difference…

This is a cool feature to compare before an after situation I think. The pictures are not 100% same, but the effect is good anyway. Do you like it as well?

Makeup break time

Otherwise, I did not do any makeup nor hairstyling the whole time – which I typically DO. The daily minimum is the hairstyle; and most days in my normal life the makeup is done as well.Even while in home office (ok, on some days I did not do much).
My skin and hair had a 14-day rest, I would say.

Pampering the legs and feet

Indulging in the bubble bath was the fist thing I did after the breakfast on my last full day in quarantine. Then a luxury treatment was offered to my feet, and the skin afterwards was really very soft and beautifully hydrated. 

New hairdresser?

I am a bit concerned about finding a new and reliable hairstylist. With short hair, you need one quite often and cutting the hair needs some skills – so that it does not look good only first week or two after visiting the hair salon.

Massage in quarantine!

You wish!
But admit: it would be great, wouldn’t be!

But now: It is time to go “back to (new) normal”

I am actually looking very much forward getting again THE very qualitative manicure and pedicure here. My expectations are high, as the service in Singapore few years ago was superb. Let’s see what Beijing has to offer….

I also have high hopes I can find some good options for the massage in Beijing. And then the stiffness in the shoulders and neck disappear miraculously! What a great relief for the body and soul.

p.s. Last art from quarantine

I made my last art creations in the quarantine today and you can check them in Art Gallery. (Tomorrow I am packing my belongings back to the suitcases in the morning  and I am leaving the hotel after lunch 🙂 ).

How do you like it:

2 Replies to ““Me time” – Spa in Quarantine”

  1. Good for you to spoil yourself under the given circumstances! Soon you’re gonna meet ur hubby 🙂 We hope the two of you can enjoy your first date in China!!!

    1. Many thanks, Sabine
      the first date in China is indeed very much enjoyable :-)!
      Greetings back to Stuttgart, from both of us!


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