Art expressions

I will just say this here: did not do watercolours since 2008…. Some of my work from that period you can see here.

One more remark: I have no idea, how this rating stars will work… can you please rate at least some of the paintings, so that I can see if this “item” is useful at all? Thanks!!

Update June 20th

The rating as I added below, does not work like that.... I found some plugns for rating, but it works on post/page level only and would not meet the intention from below. 
I will check what I can do in the future - I plan to develop the gallery page and there I think the rating will be functioning just perfect as every painting will receive a dedicated page, so the functionality will be just the right one.

Below you’ll find the “quarantine production” so far 🙂

Gallery of paintings

Yellow Roses

First try with the masking fluid.

The result is not really to my liking….

your rating:

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Blue is Blue

Wet in wet try – just an experiment – not really meant to be a picture 🙂

your rating:

Rating: 1 out of 5.


Another masking fluid experiment.

I would do more windows like on the right side also on the right – instead of 2 big-window buildings – I think it would be more balanced.

What is your opinion (pls add in the comment!)?

your rating:

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Using the watercolour pencils for the first time – I must admit, I like the classical watercolours better.

I am still deciding which version is better – in tube or in a pan. Maybe the tube is simple to use, if you have larger surfaces to paint…

Bathing in the Sun

Interesting result. Next time I want to do the same motive in a more “free”= abstract approach. (Though I know, I am not yet that loose to be able to do abstract!)

your rating:

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Path to the unknown

your rating:

Rating: 1 out of 5.

Rice fields

your rating:

Rating: 1 out of 5.

A pink couple

your rating:

Rating: 1 out of 5.

After the storm

your rating:

Rating: 1 out of 5.

How do you like it:

2 Replies to “Art expressions”

  1. … oh I do a bit of painting… and then you share and it is amazing. The blue again my favorite. Keep going 👍🏻😘 lovely pictures!


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